Thursday 3 September 2009

Back to RTS

As a real time strategy player I make a good FPS player (i.e. I'm useless) but I have enjoyed the odd blast at RTS games.

I never really got to grips with Command and Conquer until Generals came along, One of the issues that does occur in the genre is the tendency for turtling, staying in base and not moving forward until a few thousand tanks / troops have been created.

This was solved with Company of Heroes, which even now some years after it's release remains a very popular game and support from Relic is top notch.

I saw it on Steam with one expansion pack for £16.99 and bought the dam thing again!

Have watched some of the Videos over on Gamereplays and then trying to play v's Hard PC it makes you realise just how bad I'am :) Still I shall practice, lose a lot and just try and get better.

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