I wanted to follow up a post that the Gameworld One chaps did entitled 'give us something to play for'.
Perhaps best done in pictures.

I knew a long time ago that we were not going to win the league, and even if I did.......

Mmmm it's bit of cash....

But there again maybe not:)
Not really likely to implode on the playing front either.

In fact none of these guys are:-

It's stable we're in Season 11 it's not a race any more, we need to have something else, something to aim for, if it's not cash make the UFFA comps more important somehow, someway :)
Jakswan how come nobody is listening to this. Gameworldone, the forums (although they get a bit reactive), you, there was absolutely no end game strategy for this game. No icing, (raids) for the high end player. if the best they can come up with is the Gold Cup and a crown over the gw champ, we're done. The best players are only looking for a bit of swag, some instantly recognizable cred and maybe some mentoring opportunities.
keep it up,
Halifax Leafs FC
I do see your point mate and I can see how making competitions more important would have big benefits to you and a lot of these folks in your server. However, I think it would not help the little guys starting out, and it would make it even harder for new managers to start playing the game in a fun and sustainable way.
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