As luck would have it we're top 30 ish in Beta and Shearer and play in the top FA comps in both worlds. So quality of the squads is pretty much the same. In Shearer this player I'm going to show you is 34 and in beta he's 33.

As you can see, he's not a world beater but does a decent job at 34 no signs of decline either. If you were strapped for cash then could probably do a job next season as well.

Yikes a year younger and the stats are going, the performance seems to go as well. I suspect the CA fades and it takes a while for the stats to catch up that is what it seems like. So the decline is very quick.
It's fair enough but it' is handy to know about it in advance. Previously I'd been pretty confident of using players at 34 sometimes even 35, I think players are still ok at 32 but now the downturn is so quick their a liability at 33:(
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