So I was wondering the effect this will have on rep. I'd like to hit the ground running so if I get rep say 9 at the start of season 3 I want the stadium to be in place before I get there.
Here are my wild calculations:-

I've already reached the Cup Semi - Final so earning a 7 for that and assuming I get top tier once the season starts I'll pull a 9.
So overall almost 11 rep. Now this could change the player rep (despite being broken) is relative I think so if everyone signs better players than this could go down. I might not get top tier football as if I finish last in the final stage of the EFA I'll be second tier.
I'm going to have a look at a 9/10 stadium, even if I get top tier in season 3 then I'm almost assured championship football season 4 so gives me some security.
Why Now?
A two tier stand takes at least a week to build and another week to get the seats in, so if I need one it needs to start happening now.
Ok so rep 9 is 9,000 fans straight off the bat I can see I need a new stand. What to go for.... If I'm pretty confident of Premiership football then the Ospitalita is the one to go, I'm going to have a mass of corps and their where the money is.
So I've got a nice upgrade path in place, if I was playing it a little safe then Aziendale.

Now I'm not going to click build on that yet I'll get the stand up then build the rest but that's my thinking anyway. This is a £2.54m upgrade that'll pay for itself in 150 days.
As I'm going to get 56 days to pay it'll knock a third off the price, that's a bit rough and ready but principle is sound.
I've taken the most expensive seats as this will help a lot at lower rep levels. If your really confident of hitting high rep and staying there then go for cheaper seats which pay for themselves much faster.
To demonstrate that point:-

Similar to my plans Jak, although you can show your workings, I tend to just bluff it ;-)
Good blog, nice to get others views once in a while.
Interesting as ever Jak. I had reached roughly the same conclusion but without properly analysing it so nice to have some numbers to back me up :)
Just one thought though - I agree with you that more expensive seats are probably better for your new stand as they guarantee you a reasonable income even if your team rep falls, but would it be worth in addition filling up the remaining blocks of one of the small stands with Astilla's? I see at L10 rep your current plan still doesn't hit required capacity, so those Astillas would prob pay themselves off very quickly (maybe even 56 days??) and presumably it will be longer than that before you get to developing the final side of your ground so the financial investment will be worthwhile even if 6 months down the line you end up knocking down that stand for a new one.
That's what I was thinking anyway - a new 2tier Aziendale with more expensive seats, and fill up one end with a few more Astilla's for the diehards.
Yeah Arnoldinho,
I was thinking that it might be worth doing that. I think it depends where you are in the GW and how secure you feel.
If you manage a Gold Cup spot in season 4 then your pretty secure for a couple of seasons at least so can afford four sides all up.
If your in 2nd / 3rd tier it's a good low risk strategy.
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