Saturday, 17 May 2008

Plan Drunk

Not a good idea to lose a few games whilst having enjoyed a few beers, I found that out. Actually there was some rationale behind the plan at the time.

I have often convinced myself something sounded like a good idea at 1am after a few beers but come 9am sounded like ramblings of a madman. Well actually that's not technically true, historically something has looked like a good idea and then, well, it's not unfamiliar territory from my single days.

The plan was along the lines of season over (true) rebuild (good idea). However you make rash judgments in that frame of mind, it's all a blur but Wendall went and Montero. It all started with a fairly innocent 3-0 defeat to Vanquishers, the score flattered them a little although they deserved the win then another 3-0 defeat to Dundee Rio. Clearly something was wrong so Plan D was kicked off.

Wendall went for £300k I think, so that's a fair bit shy of his market value, doh, at the time I was thinking low ranked team Wolves. Wolves? Well charity was in order! :)

Montero I had put on a £25 instant pretty crazy but I think Nick from Inter got him maybe we can consider it a loan deal. I'll chat to him later.

Actually the rest is pretty good most players in £1 auction luckily for me a semblance of sense had told me to withdraw Arda, Macauley, Daikte, Tarik, Pablo. So the rest of the seniors are up for grabs and actually I was going to sell most anyway.

So not so bad, now the only issue is 24 Hour Auction and the servers have gone down. Could cost me around £10million that. Still it's going to be a challenge to see if we can bounce back and it's Beta after all.

I think now I've talked myself into considering the game to be a bit more dynamic and managing the Jakswans is temporary, a learning process for the game proper if it's released in a few months.

Meanwhile SI seem to have got this stability issues sorted I think that their doing it in baby steps. Fix Release Fix Release etc.

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