equivalent to an average daily profit of £104,929.
So there it is the last stadium payment has cleared I could add a few more seats but I need very strong rep from here on in. Splashed out on Tadic £500k for a 27 yo £220k Aq Fee Left Winger. We've been lacking sparkle on the left since Gimmy went last close season. Tadic Wage Demand was £14k and have him on £11k so whilst the price was worse than wage auction (would have paid £220k + Sign on = £320k) I don't think I'd have got him for that wage.
Despite having this huge stadium the stadium payments have meant we've been working on a very restricted budget so far.
StJohn team is around a season or two being off this situation which would take us to season 5, literally just pressed the button on a £4m corporate box. I can't underline enough how it's been great to play teams my own level in the Casual FA and be cool calm and collected about the expectations of the team.
With a stable transfer market in a mature gameworld you don't have this feeling of racing desperately for players, I'll get cash in two seasons time and buy the players that I need.
Quite how we're 70th in world rankings I don't really know but it s pretty dam fine going if you ask me:)