Thursday 11 June 2009


Phew, I think fingers crossed, touch wood, the dentist has finally nailed my teeth issues. A week of almost constant pain and very little sleep hopefully comes to an end.

In the meantime close seasons in StJohn has seen the team been strengthened and Shearer has now all but paid off stadium so a very healthy projected there. I continue to pick up the odd cheap youth and one of these went for £500k in StJohn which will be a huge help.

Neither team really are going to be winning every game but both teams are competitive and we'll do the best we can. Season on season is overall better squad.


Anonymous said...

Hai Jakswan,

First off all good luck with the dental problems, hope you'll recover fast.

I have read most of your blogs, especially about the stadiums is what interests me.

Could you reveal some details or screenshots, or is this classified information to annihalite the comp in your GW? ;-)

I really would like to know how much fans, the breakdown of the type of fans, the stadium income, the reputation of your players, how much time and money did you spend to build it?

My team Grifburgia in Molby GW has 28000 fans. Breakdown DH: 9%; DEv: 58%; Fam 18%; GH:11% ; SS: 2% Corp: 1.3% My ranking in the GW is between 40th and 60th. I have 4 High profile players and about 8 well known players and 7 lower ranked players (total wage 75K). My stadium income is about 150k and my daily income 50K (3.5* rep). I invest about 3M per 28 days in my stadium. I have 2 three tiers . 1 ospitala and 1 aziendale. When i have filled all the blocks about 52000 fans can attend the stadium. This all happenend in 4 seasons. I am a top 8 finisher in the AEFA and I play silver cup. My daily profit is at about 55k.

Can you give a breakdown like this of your Shearer team? I'd like to know that i'm heading in the right direction!



MarkPhillips said...

I'll do an update