The new wage system has come in to beta and resistance to the idea falls into four main categories.
1) It's not fair I want to lock my players and not have to sell them or put them through wage auction.
2) I'll lose all my players and it'll get silly
3) It's too complex I need to be able to plan
4) There must be a better simpler system
1) It's not fair I want to lock my players on not have to sell them or put them through wage auction.
I really like FM Live pretty much as it is and I do have sympathy with this view. As MHeadHurts explained though the reason for the reset was inflation and one of the symptoms of this was that managers had players locked on contracts under wage market value.
Wages will go as high as market forces dictates and the system will protect against this event happening again.
So essentially this needs to happen to ensure we don't end up back with GW's being unblanced again in 12 months time.
The fairness thing I'm not really convinced about though, currently in Miller I have a left back who's quite nice £1.6m Aq Fee Wage £18k with a demand now of £55k next season his demand will go to £76k.
Now I don't think he's worth that so why shouldn't he go into auction and the GW as a whole can decide what he's worth.
After all I retain the advnatage as someone has to stump the cash up for him and I get to bid +1 what they bid.
Wage auctions are a dirty word sometimes but I think it's quite a neat system.
2) I'll lose all my players
I was told in beta by a manager that he would guarantee every single household name name would go in wage auction above their new wage demands.

So 6/6 so far 100% wrong:)
3) Need to be able to plan
The system isn't yet bug free and there certianly needs to be better info provided to managers as to what the wages of their players will climb to.
4) There must be a simpler system
Well there could be in fairness, one beta tester wanted to impose a global multiplier say x2 all players and would instantly go to this level except if they went to wage auction.
So this would work that every player you signed would be at say x2 for a rep 20 team or 1.7 for a rep 17 team.
Thing is value of players is what someone is willing to pay, personally I don't value players much more than their base wage demand. I certianly don't value your 3.5star squad player at 1.7!
So in the end personally I would only ever sign players in wage auction.
It could be worked on that idea so it's a little more flexible, but you very quickly end up needing complexities that are ptoentially even more complex than the current system.
It didn't help that the chap advocating the idea wouldn't be drawn on the practical issues that would come up. That might been unfair as he was trying to get his points across but I couldn't get what he was saying, in the end he assumed we were being obtuse, said we were on some sort of ego trip and decided to walk away from the debate.
Next update: Oldies will have their day!
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