Seriously it was good fun especially as I have a liking for stats etc. Tell you one thing managers of FM Live might think that the match engine is random you out to try the real thing.
Anyway I had a system which I thought I'd go on about basically on you can bet on games live. So here goes odds for a game starting are say 3.3 for the draw, 3.3 for home, 3.3 for away.
So follow my logic.... if the home team scores their odds go down, if the away team scores their odds go down, in both cases the price for the drawer goes UP.
Ok so on betfair you can 'lay' a bet, dam didn't want to do screen-shots. I guess I'll have to.
So that's how I would set a game up, I take a bet on the drawer, either side scores and I bet on a draw. So this is how it would look:-
Normally price on a 0-0 is around 8-10 so I tried to counter my 0-0 loss's with a bet on the 0-0 but I could never get it to pay out consistently.
There are loads of weird and wonderful ways to try and find a system and I found it pretty good entertainment as long as you kept on a very fine budget.
I think the biggest danger is convincing yourself you have a sure fire system only to find that you don't at the worst possible time!
Anyway it would be interesting to see how 'the Match Engine is broken totally unrealistic crowd' would get on.
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