Once you start fiddling with stadiums everything is fairly intuitive but it remains difficult to explain in text and pictures.
Headline Figures
For every £1million invested in the stadium you can expect ROUGHLY a 10k a day increase in Income.Preview Reputation
In the screenshot you can see that the Jak Swan Stadium has a planned capacity of 15,230 and is currently 12,480, with the preview reputation button clicked you can see the decrease in income (this team are showing as a 3 star but are slightly over that hence the higher income).
For the walkthroughs I'll be using the preview reputation box please bear in mind these are worse case scenarios for corresponding reputation, a real life club will be showing as 3star but will in reality be somewhere in between 3 and 3.1/2.
I have No Money!
In this case I've just upgraded the seating and not built any new stands and bought electronic Ad boards pitch side.
Taking this route is a desperate measure as upgrading in the future will mean knocking down a stand you've put money into. How good your strategy is with regard to stadiums is going to depend how long you can make use of your stands.
Lets look at this stadium across various reputations:-

As you can see it's not too grim, with media money a club can expect to earn £175k - £185k a day and this doesn't include FA League Prize Money.
Three Star Clubs PracticalNext I looked at a more practical solution for 3 star clubs and also looked at it's effectiveness at 3.1/2 star. So these figures are for a Two Tier Mercantile stand (click to zoom)

As far as I can see it's not possible to really generate cash to version 1 levels but as long as you haven't been careless in wage auctions this shouldn't be a problem.
Three and Half Star Clubs PracticalUsing this stand allows you to cater for the corporate fans which start rolling in from 3.1/2 star on, as you can see this option is quite scalable.
Money No ObjectOk lets assume your rolling in it:-

As you can see you need the reputation in the first place to really scale up so anyone just mindlessly chucking money at their stadium is going to be a waste.