You Will be Poor
Lets not fanny about you will be very poor once the GW starts, you can expect £50k a day that's it.
Locked Squads
You get 50 players, a mix of old and young, mostly their prospects. I didn't really have one player that had me drooling.
Their purpose is that you can put together a core of a team here. If your not happy with not having a certain position what I did was get a youth for that position and then look to buy in.
If I wasn't planning on having a youth team than slightly miffed at having to pick 16, but it's not a massive amount of cash £16k for one player so worked out ok.
Some will be lucky some won't. This isn't your final team that will last you for ten seasons it's a starting point that's it. If you get a bum deal or so you think then work with it. They seem fairly balanced to me but FM managers are quick to come up with excuses.
Lock Out & Benchmarking
Once you confirm the transfer market is closed until FA lockdown, I think this needs tweaking to three days it's not a massive big deal but pretty boring.
To fill the time I thought I'd go up against some CPU club. I picked a level 8 team Shigglesworth and played them around 5 times in all, it was a good way to benchmark.
Prior to confirming you can play games. I looked carefully at the players and as money is so tight cut a few and replaced them with youths. Value is the key!
I'll give you an example I had a 30+ right back who was very solid but £6k a day I felt I could get one cheaper later so made do with a youth in that position.
Played Shiggles a few more times and with the youths in the results were bad, 4-1, 3-0 etc. Your not going to learn much though by playing level 1 and it became clear that no.1 priority should be two DC's and maybe a FC.
I confirmed the squad, I managed to find a free agent value player. A little Argentinian with nice pace and agility so got him. Now normally my moto is pace, power and passion but we're looking for value here so whilst has a touch of pace, potentially a lot of passion, strength isn't brilliant.
I think a lot of managers ignore agility but I think it's an important stat for this sort of player. I've always equated it to a car, Acceleration, Pace = Top Speed, Agility = Handling.

The transfer market opened and spotted a couple of cheap DC's, they were speculative buys, £18k ish.

I can see it now, 'omg SI these players suck sort it out' these DC's ain't going to have mark Ronaldo! They might go well early doors and if I can get Championship level football will have the cash to replace. Hopefully the inflation mad GW's are a thing of the past.
I've now got around £100k left and the next positions are a Goalie (go high for the right one) and a value left back.
Play Shiggle again after 7 straight horrible defeats, win 5-0, must have done something right then :)
From there it's a case of trying to get a youth squad together. I think youth in new GW's will quickly find their value, to earn cash you must win senior games and you won't be locking players away for ten seasons on well under market wage, so don't get too excited about youth.
Now here is an interesting twist, you only get £50k a day but if you manage to do well during the first season then you'll get a LOT more. So do you go into the red and go for it or play it safe?
Taking that gamble could pay off in style but it may go horribly wrong. If you take a safe path well it's, erm safe. Even if you don't do that well then it's not the end of the world.
Exploits Closed
DYM - Dead gone.
Trading up - In the old days you'd see this a lot, get a value player banging in goals in friendly games sell him for £1m. Then go buy £1m Aq Fee player.
First off no one has that much cash at the start and it is going to be vital to get the right player at the right price at the right time. So say you got Pato on £20k a day you could find that your so weak in other areas that you'll never bank enough to progress.
It might be worth gambling on Pato but it really could backfire.
Overall your starting at the bottom with very limited resources just keep that in mind.
Bottom line, exploits dead, football alive!
Can we assume that you're in favour of the changes then Jak? :)
Jak, thanks for keeping people like me informed and up to speed with the game. I haven't played or gone to the forums at all in the last 3 months, and I've kept in touch with ur blog.
Bertie, is there a set date when the new and improved game would start?
Thanks Jak, informative as ever. It seems like the first seasons are going to be much slower now than they used to be. With only 25% (or is it 30% I can never remember!) of team rep based on player rep, even the best sides are only going to get to rep 3 or so in the first season right?
I agree with you that that's good for the long term stability of the game, but I suspect some managers are going to complain that it's boring...
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