This the Jakswans in beta in which I made a couple of rather large errors.
1) Took my wages right up to £100k within weeks
2) Built and paid for seats prior to SI halfing the costs of them.
3) Built seats on the small stands provided by default
I've since taken my wages down to £90k which has improved things and also have almost finished paying for those early seats. I have two X two tier stands which will be ok until I get to 3.5 star then I'm going to have to knock down a stand with expensive seating in. So I'm going to have to build and pay for those seats twice :(
As you can see I was in catch 22, I sold a player on £16k wages so my projected was much worse. I can afford to buy a world class player by the end of this season but then I won't be able to progress.
So I have to improve the stadium first, a corporate box £2m jobby will increase my daily income by £20k a day, then I can get the player and sustain a healthy profit to improve the stadium to imrpove the daily income to buy a better a player and so on.
I could have been where I am now a season ago but taking my wages to £100k so early just slows everything down dramitcally.
So what have I learnt.... Stadiums add a lot of depth to the game, prior to them coming in it was 'get squad win games' whilst that remains the bottom line managing your progression is a game in itself.
Fastest progression is going to be the cheapest squad you can put together for a 3 star rep (stadium improvements under this don't help an awful lot) build stadium to max daily income, buy player to increase rep, build stadium to max daily income, buy player to increase rep.
Eventually you'll have a stadium generating £299k a day plus daily income you will be a HUGE club how fast you get there is how good you play the progression game.

If I started again I'd go for a budget of £60k a day, with a little luck I think you could get to 3star in two seasons more likely to take you 3.
It's not horrible the squad isn't too bad :) You might wonder that low rep kid is playing:-

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