Well fancy that seven seasons in doesn't time fly when losing matchs :) Due to time constraints I moved to NFA.
GK - Sifakis, A late arrival, have to admit lost my bottle with Clement who I think is too young at 20. I know 'if their good enough their old enough' but when I've played youths I just don't seem to get the run of the pitch.
DR - Figueroa at the peak of his career here nothing too fancy he was cheap, again Tetteh at 21 on the bench a better footballer but 21 too young.
DC - Naldo 31yo and for a DC in his prime, hopefully has two seasons in his prime left. £800k Aq Fee £20k Wage Demand picked up for £1m.
DC - David Luiz, it is high time we saw Luiz own games, it's all very functional from him but he doesn't boss the back four. Much better last season but I'm hoping he goes world famous sometime soon so I have a good six seasons out of him at that level.
DL - Filipe, dependable left back who also can play wing (when Gimmy was 31 I bought this guy to replace Gimmy on the wing).
MR - Said Husejinovic a lot of players turn in match winning performances it's a case of how often and when. A much better player as AMC but formation doesn't really suit, always a danger.
MC - Edinho going in transfer auction for his £250k Aq Fee, looks a late developer as well so I snapped him up.
MC - Delgado a deal for Scott Nolan likes FA games can't really be arsed otherwise:)
ML - Gimenez, still gets green arrows talk about a late developer. Signed at 27 in Season 1 and then very poor reputation. Not quite as sensational last season it has to be said it's possibly his last season for us.
FC - Wendell how annoying is this player can be amazing but not enough, 25 is still young. We wait once more to see if Wendell can actually go the next level this season.
FC - Ashkan better on wing I guess but has en eye for goal runs all day. Another season 1 signing and was 22 at the time.
Subs of Note
Tetteh the only other youth to get anywhere near the first team is Wendell and as he's a free lock I think I'll keep. Very close to first team.
Clement - Sensational 20 year old Goalie just had the feeling the back four were not convinced. Sent him out on loan hopefully will come through.
Dja Djedje - Almost a starter but too many options on the right.
Season 7 Targets
Well looking at the NFA Premier League wages we should really be aiming for top 3, whilst I can produce an overachieving team in the lower leagues once the Galacticos kick in I seem to royally mess it up.
Finances & Stadium - I can't quite believe how long it's taken but the last big spend is being paid off, six weeks and we're knocking out around £280k a day total less wages (£180k as you can see). That's season 9!
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