When you start you have two options:-
1) As now
2) A Golden Start
If you choose option (2) the premise will be thus:-
You have formed a team funded by local business and the parents of your youth team, you have a starting squad of youth players with a high average level of potential. All these players are on locked five season contracts of £1,500 each, they cannot be sold or traded in the first five years.
You are on a fixed contract to take the club as far as you can and can buy senior players to further to the clubs progress.
Youths are generated at 15 to pre built 20 man squads from a region.
When a new team joins on golden start rules they are given one of these squads, any players left over and then filtered to there relevant youth academy.
I'm totally convinced that the FM political compass goes from Galacticos (Right Wing) to Simulation (Left Wing) the middle ground is rags to riches with massive widespread appeal.
This ticks that box.

I would then allow all new teams a golden start option and top teams from existing worlds a golden start option in another GW.
I would then do the following:-
1) Bring back Aq Fee rename it to Signing on Fee, keep wage rises and rep changes as they are in 1.6.5.
2) I would get rid of JP.
3) Start work on Internationals as per my design.